Tag: Cupcake Collection

Experimenting with Colour

By Taheerah | 2nd August 2009 | Leave a Comment

Afternoon everyone! Well, now that I’ve got my camera back I really must start posting in anger! One thing that has seemed to ‘scare’ me with cardmaking is colour combinations. Picking out colours to combine together is all well and

Pink Frosted Cupcake Card

By Taheerah | 14th July 2009 | 2 Comments

Just one quick yummy post tonight! This is a little birthday card I made for my best friend’s birthday. I wanted something girly and cute and so naturally turned to my trusty PTI Cupcake Collection! I used the outline stamps

Denim Cupcake Card

By Taheerah | 11th July 2009 | Leave a Comment

“I don’t get buttons”. “I can’t see why I would ever want to use buttons on a card”. “It’s just not my style”. So how come now I have Papertrey’s buttons I keep adding them to everything?! Seriously, my last

Papertrey Cupcake Card

By Taheerah | 1st July 2009 | 5 Comments

I’ve been going mad for Papertrey ever since discovering them a few months ago! Honestly, there’s not a single product of theirs that I don’t like – everything is perfect!! One of the sets I completely fell in love with