Lil’ Inker Designs June 2013 Release – Day 1!

By Taheerah | 17th June 2013 | 51 Comments

Hey everyone! Happy Monday – and welcome to the Lil’ Inker Designs June Release!!

This release is absolutely chock *full* of amazing goodies – you are seriously gonna want it all!! You have been warned, lol!

You should have made your way over here from Suzanne’s blog. If not then feel free to head back to the Lil’ Inker Designs blog and start again!

Today we are introducing two new products to the collection. Both dies. Both fabulous!!

Everyone goes *crazy* over the Stitched Squares and Rectangles dies – and with good reason! Well today we’ve got the next in the series of shapes to show you – Stitched Circles!! These are *awesome*!!! Not only do they have the stitching common to the other dies in this series, but look closer and you will see another *amazing* feature – they leave stitching on the negative as well!! WOW!!!

I thought out of the box a bit for my card today, and ended up with this:

Awesome huh?!

I started with die cutting a torus (doughnut) shape by laying two of the dies on my cardstock and die cutting in one go. I did this with my white and my melon coloured cardstock. I then trimmed my melon cardstock into a few smaller segments and ran through my die cutting machine again with one of the other stitched dies to give stitching on all edges. I adhered the pieces together to create my life preserver and then only needed some stickers, Thickers and twine to complete the look!

Next up – the Pieced Chevron die!! This die is *amazing* – and so versatile too! Be still my chevron-loving heart!!

I decided to create a mask from acetate by cutting it with my die, then used it to mask off my white cardstock and mist away with some neon mists:

Sometimes a card is awesome enough just as it is, and doesn’t need a sentiment, y’know? 🙂

Just love the effect here!

And wait – is that maybe a sneaky sneak peek of something else that’s awesome too?! I guess you’ll have to tune in tomorrow to find out!!

So, now you’ve seen all this awesome loot – maybe you ought to head over to the Lil’ Inker Designs site and take a look around! Tell ’em Taheerah sent ya, lol! In the meantime I would love it if you left some love before you went on your way! Thanks so much for stopping by!


You’re A Life Saver!

Misted Chevron Set

51 thoughts on “Lil’ Inker Designs June 2013 Release – Day 1!”

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